Emilie Aastrup

Emilie Aastrup graduated from Camberwell College of Art in 2013 and works with drawing, painting, illustration, prints and zines.

In her artworks Emilie examines how humans relate to their environment. Both in terms of the relation to nature and the city, but also the space created in relation to other people and the ego itself.

Aastrup uses drawings and paintings to visualize intangible everyday phenomena that are difficult to maintain and put into words. The term interacts with the figurative narrative language and the abstract degraded language. The works are often part of a long-term exploration of a topic or problem which is supported by systematic drawing experiments.



2017 Aarhus University Art Association

2015 Beauton Art Fair, Copenhagen

2013  Pi, Galleri Bredgade 49, Copenhagen.

2013  Geist Glorup, Glorup.

2013  Opening Show, I Do Art Lab, Aarhus.

2013  Well Said Show, London.

2013  I Do Art 2 years. Copenhagen.

2012  Objects, The Emely, London.

2012  In At The Deep End, London.

2012  Manifesto, Beach London.

2011  London Campus, High Holborn, London.



2010-13: BA Illustration, Camberwell College of Art, London.

2008: Fine Art School, Krabbesholm.

2007: Drawing & Scenography, Copenhagen Technical Academy.


Book / Features / Magazines

It’s Nice That Things

No Culture Icons

Drowning Dogs


Postcards too Alphaville

Art Rebels

University of the Arts Showtime


Ud & Se.